
lunedì 24 maggio 2010

Il Terzo Uomo

Non sapevo che avesse anche un testo!

"When a zith-er starts to play, You'll re-mem-ber yes-ter-day, In its
haunting strain, Vi-en-na lives a-gain, Free and bright and gay.
In your mind, a sud-den gleam, of a half for-got-ten dream, Seems to
glim-mer when you hear the third man theme
Once a-gain there comes to mind, Some-one that you left be-hind, Love
that some-how did-n't last, In that hap-py cit-y of the past
Does she still re-call the dream, That rap-ture so su-preme, When
first she heard the haunt-ing third man theme?
Carn-i-vals and car-ou-sels and fer-ris wheels and par-a-sols, The
Dan-ube nights, the danc-ing lights a-gain will shine. The zith-er's
sweet re-frain, keeps swirl-ing in your brain, like new May wine.
Strauss waltz-es, can-dle glow, and the laugh-ter of long a-go, Fill
the ma-gic chords and make it seem like to-day.
You nev-er know that you could be, En-chant-ed by a mel-o-dy. The
years will nev-er drive it out; You don't know why it's some-thing you
can't live with-out.
You hear it in the twi-light hush, and to the morn-ing traf-fic rush,
A song that's al-ways new, In your heart a part of you.
Oh, when a zith-er starts to play, You'll re-mem-ber yes-ter-day, In
its haunt-ing strain, Vi-en-na lives a-gain, Free and bright and gay.
In your mind the sud-den gleam, of a well re-mem-bered dream, Shines
so brightly when you hear the third man theeeeeeeeme."

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